#NoSanctionsNigeria #HandsOffNigeria

IMAGE DESCRIPTiON. a tweet from the Nigerian musician and celebrity Burna Boy reads: “I am in London and Im doing my best to make sure sanctions are imposed against Nigerian Government Officials. I need all citizens of all European countries ,America , Asia EVERYWHERE to please Do the Same. THEY MUST ALL PAY!!”

let’s talk about “sanctions”
anti-Blackness & neocolonialism are “sanctions”
rich oil companies & an impoverished Niger Delta are “sanctions”
a white-imposed war on “the terrorists” is “sanctions”
“democratically elected” military dictators drinking Black blood is “sanctions”
anti-LGBTQIA+ violence is “targeted sanctions”

let’s talk about “foreign intervention”
1400 years of anti-Black enslavement is “foreign intervention”
an African city named “Lagos” is “foreign intervention”
a police force created by the colonizer is “foreign intervention”
the cult of “peaceful protest” is “foreign intervention”
the “foreigners” are “intervening” in every breath we take
their “intervention” was underway before we were even born

when you beg for sanctions you say “whip them not me”
when you beg for sanctions you say “landlords shouldn’t be absentee”
when you beg for sanctions you say “master pick me”

we got a long fucking way to go.

but it is what it is & enough is enough.



∞ Genders 4 Black Communisms

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